Cyber Security Organization Wings

Community Outreach Wing

The community outreach wing is part of CSO, and aims to create awareness among the public on safe online practices and prevent cybercrime & fraud by organizing workshops, seminars, and educational programs. Their efforts are crucial in preventing and combating cybercrime in the community.

Digital Content Creation Wing

The digital content creation wing of CSO creates engaging and informative content to educate citizens about ongoing cybercrime & associated modus operandi and safe online practices. They use their expertise in digital media to create content for various digital channels/social media platforms and reach a wider audience. Their efforts in creating timely and relevant content are crucial in promoting awareness and preventing cybercrime.

Upskilling & Coding/Tech Wing

The upskilling and coding/tech wing of CSO aims to improve the technical abilities of law enforcement personnel to combat cybercrime. They will perform research on cybercrime modus operandi and develop easy to comprehend operating processes.   The content developed by the tech wing will be leveraged in training and workshops to remain abreast with the constantly evolving technology. Their efforts to equip police professional with the latest technical knowledge are critical to effectively investigate and prevent cybercrime.

PR/Tech coordination Wing

The PR/Tech coordination wing of CSO is responsible for managing public relations and communication activities. They use their expertise to engage with the media, different industries, communities, and stakeholders, ensuring the unit’s message is effectively communicated. Their efforts in building relationships with the community, media, telecom, entertainment, banking, financial, manufacturing, consulting, cyber security, different industries, and other stakeholders are critical in promoting the unit’s mission & achievements, and in building public trust.


Cyber Security Officers


Total Volunteers


People Impacted


Total Events

Let’s fight together against cyber crime and frauds.

In our bid to spread awareness, it would pleasure if your organisation could engage with CSO & Gurugram Cyber Police and ensure the prevention and mitigation of cybercrime & fraud.

Email: [email protected] for Cyber Awareness program.